My Journey

Penny L. Heiple, RCST®, LMT

Like so many in this field, I came to this work through my own suffering and my search for answers to the deepest questions of life. My journey has led me time and time again back to one of the most profound questions I’ve ever asked: “What is healing?” The answer is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In fact, for me the answer continues to unfold, and I’ve come to see that the question itself is a process I will be living into for the rest of my life.

From a very young age, I struggled with what our western medical model labels as “depression.” I’ve never liked being labeled. I’ve always had an aversion to being analyzed as if I were an interesting puzzle to solve. At the same time, I was suffering immensely and wished more than anything that someone could just “fix it” and make me feel better. I felt as if something was wrong with me, and it seemed that everyone else agreed. My parents were incredible and only wanted me to be happy, and they did everything they could think of to help me. But I still wasn’t happy, and so I felt even more worthless because I couldn’t achieve this all elusive “happiness” I was supposed to be feeling.

As I continued on into my adult life, these struggles eventually manifested physically as well. I tried everything that I could think of to help myself. I did endless hours of therapy, tried various medications, went to support groups, read self-help books, went to personal growth seminars, changed my diet and nutritional habits, studied and researched philosophies and science, ventured into the new age spiritual domain, and more. All of these were life-altering, amazing experiences, and yet I was still operating in a mindset of trying to fix myself as if I were a broken machine.Sun

I was first attracted to the biodynamic approach to healing because, in this approach, the focus was not on what is wrong with me; rather, it was about amplifying and supporting what is right with me. I didn’t even know there was more to me than my suffering before being introduced to this revolutionary paradigm. It was such a relief to finally be seen as who I really am, the one who is bigger than all the despair and suffering, the one who has an amazing ability to heal in ways I had never before dreamed possible. I found it absolutely transformational to be listened to on every level and to be recognized as a unique, amazing being, not just another person with “depression” or “chronic physical issues” who fits into some cookie-cutter definition or label.

Through my journey, I continue to realize on deeper and deeper levels what healing means to me. I have come to see true healing as an ongoing process — a journey — not a destination. I do not claim to to be “cured” and living in eternal bliss every moment of every day. Yet, at the same time, I am also experiencing more and more fully the essence of what makes life worth living — joy, awe, gratitude, compassion, deep connection, equanimity, inspiration, love — the list goes on and on.


I see myself as a fellow traveler with you on this journey we call life. I offer to support and assist you on your own unique healing journey. My highest intention is always to create a safe, compassionate, loving space where you are free to be yourself and explore the connection between your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. In this space, healing and transformation takes place in astonishing and forever life-altering ways.

I would be honored to be a companion on your journey.

Mahalo & in gratitude,

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